X - TrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw PhOtOs
X - TrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw
ViVa LaS VeGaS!!
ThE HoLiDaY CrUiSe ShIp CaSt!!
MiISsIpPi - PaScAgOuLa!!
ThE BaHaMaS!!
MoBiLe - AlAbAmA!!
CoZuMeL, CoStA MaYa & CaLiCa - MeXiCo!!
GrUpO KuBa AdVeRtIsEmEnT!!
JaNfUsAn - TaIwAn "G5 RiDe"

        OK, here you go, i finally am able to uplaod some photos of the show. Here are some that were taken about March this year. I have many more to show, but i can only upload some at a time. Anyways enjoy!

ExTrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw
EnDiNg PoSE Of ThE WhOlE CaSt

(LeFt To RiGhT) Me, BrYcE, KoNtAnTiNe & CiPrIaN

ExTrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw!!
EnDiNg PoSe Of DruNkEn BaR ScEnE (I'm in white)

ExTrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw!!
(Left to right) BrYcE, KaTe, Me & MaReE

LeFt To RiGhT) Me, MyRa, BrYcE, KaTe & MeL

ExTrEmE CoUnTrY ShOw!!
FiNiShInG PoSe (LeFt to RiGhT) MyRa, Me & Kate, AuTuMn & BuNnY

         Ok, so i think i should tell you what the show is all about. It's obviously stated that the music in this show is all about country music. There are some songs in this show that are well known like, "She thinks my tractor's sexy" by an unknown artist to me and "I feel like a women" by Shania twain. When i say popular, i mean popular in America. See when we dock in Alabama, we recieve people from all over America. Therefore it's only right that people can connect and sing along with the music that is being played and dances that are being shown to them so they are familiar with it and can have an enjoyable experience all together, whether it be during a show or just walking to the next buffet.
          There are some role playing parts where i am a bar tender and have to serve the fellows some beer while im already hammered and then impress the girls once they arrive. There are some clogging numbers that were fairly difficult, for those that know what clogging is. It's not a walk in the park, no where near it!!  But all in all i think i was able to get it in the end!! :o)